Jakob Heinemann
bass, compositions, improvisations
All About Jazz review: https://www.allaboutjazz.com/horizon-scanners-jim-baker-steve-hunt-jakob-heinemann-clean-feed-records
Jakob Heinemann is a double bassist, composer, improviser and sound artist working between Chicago and Madison, WI. My interests are wide-ranging, but tend to center on close listening, environmental composition, and open collaborations with other artists. As a bass player, I frequently perform freely improvised music, and count myself as a member of the rich and varied community of creative musicians in Chicago. As a composer and sound artist, I utilize field recordings, spectral analysis, and traditional scoring to sonify my local community, seeking to document and understand a sense of place in a radically changing environment. I have been fortunate to work with some incredible artists over the years including Roscoe Mitchell, Tomeika Reid, Mike Reed, Jim Baker, and Dave Rempis.
To contact me: please send an email to [jakobheinemannmusic][@][gmail.com]- I’d love to hear from you!
To contact me: please send an email to [jakobheinemannmusic][@][gmail.com]- I’d love to hear from you!